Tenith Adithyaa
Public Relations
Age 0
Born as a active kid
Being curious, he actively plays with toys
Celebrates the first birthday without mom
Age 1
Fuelled by more curiosity, he dismantles toys and tries to understand them
Loves animals, especially dogs
Age 2
Loves stories and quizzes
Grandparents encourage morale values at home
Age 3
Becomes fluent in Tamil and English
Learns that study of science is the understanding of the way things work, from toys to the universe
Starts traditional schooling
Receives his first award, South Indian student artistic award
Age 4
Asks questions, when felt unanswered to the core, starts to read books
Falls in love with science
Fascinated by the evolution of organisms and their survival abilities
Shows progressive interest in arts, academics, and books
Uses computer to access the world wide web
Wants to explore more about technology, and was restricted to access computers citing his age
Age 5
Treasures a collection of 1000+ shells and mom discards it
Demands a story as a reward for each book completion
Lacks attention at school
Determines to learn something different
Loves bike rides with dad
Age 6
Read 3 encyclopedias
First successful experiment
Reengineered miniature machinery and robotics from toys
His Intuition led to his family’s miraculous escape from the 2004 Tsunami in Indian Ocean
Dreams to do something different and impactful in the world
Self-taught cycling
Tries to reverse engineer spider web fluid
Age 7
Asks for encyclopedia as a birthday present
Builds and launches model rockets from scratch
Desires on setting World Records
Choose to pursue science & technology as his interest and gain expertise
Spends a lot of time outside riding and races with seniors
Childishly tries to create hybrid varieties of plants
Age 8
Barred from learning short-hand
Starts programming and coin collection
Wants to help people in need, realizes the needs are omnipresent
Made the habit of reading 26 pages a day
Broke his right arm during a cycling race
Spent a year learning about Spider, Jelly Fish, and Cockroaches
Age 9
Tries to figure out why people are in need and humanitarian aid and paces on finding a solution
Understands that doing something in the world should impact human lives
Collection crosses 1K coins and banknotes
Adds antiques and artifacts to the collection
Learns chess from his sisterly figure
Lectured to University students on the cellular regeneration nature of Jellyfish
Age 10
Mastered 6 programming languages
Invented the first technology at 10, Trail 318 successfully prolongs the lifespan of leaves
Came across the first teacher who took an interested his scientific views
Finishes 2 years research on wireless electricity transmission
Begins popularization of education and science among young minds by founding a social innovation movement
Age 11
Befriends a budgie
Offered double promotion in schooling
Submitted first research paper for the national science program
First Guinness World Record
Collection crosses 10K coins and banknotes
Age 12
Applies for Master’s degree in state university
Got Glasses
Builds the world’s longest-running computer program
Second Guinness World Record
“Banana Leaf Technology” was rejected on two national science programs
Plays chess professional
Submitted language evolution policy for a classic language
Speaks at International STEM Summit
Age 13
Concludes four research projects with no success
Completes formulating the home-made laboratory
Starts Project Transmutation to create new element
Project HEAL shows significant success in catfish cells
Age 14
Receives first national award
Collection crosses 100K coins and banknotes
Starts Project Zeus to create a networking platform
Starts Project Grey to simplify AI with autonomy, a system that has desires and favorites
Crashes workstation, losses 1.5 terabytes of research and personal data
Age 15
Inventions surge to 17
Project Transmutation results in a non-alloy iron to copper transition, halts the project indefinitely
Almost died from a lab accident. Quotes “Science needs selfless sacrifice”
Starts technical entrepreneurship at the age of 15
Delegate at Indian Science Congress
Former Indian President Dr. Kalam mentions Tenith’s scientific contribution in the address at 101st Indian Science Congress
Age 16
Receives first international award
Develops the Autogenous AI System, Project Grey becomes ADI AI
Originates an expertise development platform for youth
Becomes the nation’s first Innovation Scholar and the youngest official guest of the President to stay in Rashtrapati Bhavan
Age 17
Attends state engineering college for a Bachelor of Engineering degree in computer science
Creates the world’s first mobile tool to combat suicidal games
Architectures an AI-forged gaming application
Third Guinness World Record
Age 18
Proposed national sports talent development ecosystem
Federated a global scientific organization, International Science Federation
Inventions surge to 19
Acts as an International Jury in the field of scientific research, technological inventions, and startups
Age 19
Project Zeus became Altruu and chose Hexagon to be the brand representation
Age 20
Established internet startup Altruu, to build a discovery engine
Founded an innovation center for startups, change makers, and problem solvers
Age 21
Starts Project Democracy for Intelligent Activism
Age 22
The portfolio crosses 3 for-profit entities and 3 nonprofit organizations
The international awards exceeds 20
Age 23
Let's Innovate Youth Movement crosses 240,000 youth worldwide
Age 24
Starts Project Climate for sustainable brands creation
Age 25
Project HEAL fails longevity test on non-aquatic cell culture
Traveled over 1.75 million kilometers for social works
Age 26
Juried over 1500 innovations worldwide
Commercialization of Banana Leaf Technology
"Moments of pain
are worth a lifetime of legacy"
- Tenith Adithyaa M
Citation Information
Page Title
Tenith Adithyaa - Journey
Website Title
Tenith Adithyaa - Inventor & Innovation Scholar of India
Public Relations, Tenith Innovations
Access Date
February 16, 2025
Last Updated
February 12, 2024
Original Published Date
June 23, 2017
Copyright © 2025 Tenith Adithyaa